Can I just say that I’m thoroughly loving this furry foot stool trend! They’re everywhere and I’m obsessed!
Well guess what…they’re actually super easy to make on your own! Like…SUPER EASY! Once you’ve gathered all the supplies, this is a perfect weekend project that requires no sewing, no woodworking, and very little time! Here’s how to do it:
The first thing you need to do is screw on the angle plates. Print this pie chart to use as a guide. Find the center of your 12″ wood round and place the circle pie chart directly in the center. Tape it down so it won’t move.
Using the lines on the pie chart as a guide, place the angle plates along the edge of the circle. Make sure the center of the plates line up with the lines on the chart.
Hold one plate in place to keep it from moving and use a 1/16″ drill bit to drill a very small pilot hole (don’t go very deep) in all four holes.
Then use the screws that come with the angle plate to screw the plate into place. Repeat until all four angle plates are secure.
Lay your fur flat on the floor (fur side down). Then lay down the foam circle and your wood round in the center of the fabric.
Take one edge of the fur fabric and pull it up over the wood. Staple it into place. Go to the opposite side and pull it up tight – staple in place. Do the same with the other two sides.
Pull one end up and staple down.
Pull opposite end up tight and staple down.
Pull other end over and staple.
Pull last remaining end over the wood and staple into place.
After all four edges are stapled in place, continue pulling the remaining fur over the wood and staple it into place. Staple every 1/2″ or more to make sure the fabric is tight. Since you’re working with a circle, you’ll need to tuck/fold a little fabric as you go to create a smooth edge.
Once the fabric is secured, cut off the excess fur.
If the bolts in your wood legs are too long like mine are, take a 7/32″ drill bit and drill a hole through the wood in the center of the angle plates. Then grab your legs and screw them on.
You’re done! Isn’t it adorable!?
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